Monday, February 23, 2009

Winter Count

I'm back in civilization after a week-long primitive skills gathering in Casa Grande, AZ. This event, called "Winter Count" after the tradition of yearly pictographic calenders kept by Plains natives, attracts survival skills enthusiasts, artists, musicians, modern day abos, environmental educators, back-to-the-land advocates, and other interesting groups who wish to learn the ways of the ancients. With such a hodgepodge of people engaging in timeless activities like fire-by-friction, basketry, cordage, trapping, bow-making, felting, animal processing, and living on the land, there is ample opportunity to network and gain tons of knowledge and inspiration.
This year was my 6th year attending since 2003 -- my second year as an instructor. As a student I learned the basics of wilderness living and now have a solid background in fire-making, edible wild plants, and survival. As an instructor, I've been presenting, refining and discussing my passion, which I call primitive nutrition. Other names for this subject might be nutritional/medical anthropology, paleolithic diet, or hunter-gatherer foodways. I thoroughly enjoyed discussing this broad and highly debated topic at Winter Count. Can't wait until next year!

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